Promag MiniSwipe - Bluetooth Magnetic Swipe Reader

Portable Bluetooth/BLE Card Reader for Mobile/Web Applications
Promag DT305 Bluetooth / Wifi / Ethernet Cash Drawer Trigger

Allows a cash drawer to be triggered via bluetooth, wifi or ethernet
Promag TMR901 iButton Reader (Touch Memory)

Reads the ID Code of any Dallas Semiconductor Touch Memory Button
Promag DSP840 - 20 x 2 VFD Customer Pole Display

5 x 7 dot matrix, blue-green VFD up to 20 x 2 characters(2 lines)
Promag DSP820 - LCD Graphic Customer Pole Display

240 x 64 pixels with backlight, up to 20 x 4 characters(4 lines)
Promag DSP830 - LCD Special Character Pole Display

240 x 64 pixels with backlight, up to 30 x 4 characters(4 lines)